Extrovert •

In the special edition of 
Emel -Orhan Karadogan collection ,

You can check their online museum at www.art.if.com.tr
Introvert •

In the special edition of 
Emel -Orhan Karadogan collection ,

You can check their online museum at www.art.if.com.tr
''Extroverted and introverted are terms commonly used in psychology to describe distinct personality traits along a spectrum of social behavior. Extroverted individuals are characterized by their outgoing, sociable nature. They thrive in social settings, drawing energy from interactions with others, and are often seen as talkative, expressive, and gregarious. On the other hand, introverted individuals tend to be more reserved and reflective. They may find solitude energizing, prefer deeper one-on-one conversations, and need time alone to recharge. While extroverts are generally energized by external stimuli and social engagement, introverts may feel more comfortable and in their element when in quieter, more contemplative environments. It's important to note that these traits exist on a spectrum, and many people exhibit a mix of both extroverted and introverted tendencies in different situations or at different times in their lives. Understanding and appreciating the diversity of personality types contributes to richer and more harmonious social interactions.''

made by Seda Cevizli
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